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Statement of Faith Thumbnail

Statement of Faith

It’s always good to get a refreshing reminder on why you do the wonderful work you do for those who are in need. When browsing the website of Won By One to Jamaica, one of our faithful clients, I came across a page entitled “Statement of Faith”. This blog post is here to give you a look at the wonderful work that Won By One to Jamaica does, as well as a source of inspiration for those needing it.

Read the Statement of Faith here!

2013 Flu Epidemic–Prepare Before You Travel Thumbnail

2013 Flu Epidemic–Prepare Before You Travel

As this years flu epidemic sweeps our nation more powerfully than in past years, we prepare for the worst and baton down the hatches. In some states simply obtaining the flu shot is out of the question due to the extreme popularity. He’s a video explaining this years flu epidemic. Know what you can before you do any traveling in this new year.

Client Kidnapped While In Afghanistan Thumbnail

Client Kidnapped While In Afghanistan

Afghan and Coalition Forces Rescue American Doctor Who Was Kidnapped by Taliban



KABUL, Afghanistan — An American doctor kidnapped by the Taliban was rescued Sunday by Afghan and coalition forces in eastern Afghanistan, officials said. At least six people were killed, including a member of a U.S. special forces Navy SEAL team. Two Taliban leaders were arrested during the rescue. Read More »

Tips for Traveling Abroad-Customs and Import Restrictions Thumbnail

Tips for Traveling Abroad-Customs and Import Restrictions

Tips for Traveling Abroad-Customs and Import Restrictions

Customs Restrictions of Foreign Destinations – What You Cannot Take to Other Countries

Many countries have restrictions on what may be brought into the country, including food, pets (see “Taking a Pet Overseas” under “Passports and Other Travel Documents,” below), and medications. Even over-the-counter medications may be prohibited in some countries. Check with the embassies of your destination countries as to prohibited items. A listing of foreign embassies and consulates in the U.S. is available on the Department of State’s website at Foreign embassy and consulate contact information can also be found on the Country Specific Information for each country. Read More »

“The Leftovers” Thumbnail

“The Leftovers”

The poem is “The Leftovers”.

*From The Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers

With twenty loaves of bread Elisha fed

the one hundred till they were satisfied,

and Scripture tells us there was bread left over.

Jesus did more: with five small barley loaves

and two dried fish he fed five thousand men,

together with their wives and children, all

neatly arranged upon the cushioned grass.

The awed disciples, when the crowd had eaten,

gathered up what was left: twelve baskets full.

Who then received these fragments? Hopefully,

the least (though not less favored) and the poor.

I think of those who always seem to get

the leavings from the banqueting of others,

the scraps of bread, of life, that goodness saves.

I pray that they come proudly when invited,

make merry at their meal and have their fill,

and rise up thankfully, remembering

the fragment, too were miracles of love.*

*From The Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers, published by
ICA Publications, Washington, D.C. All copyrights Carmelite
Monastery, Pewaukee, WI.

US State Department Travel Warning for Haiti Thumbnail

US State Department Travel Warning for Haiti

US State Department Travel Warning for Haiti

The Department of State has issued this Travel Warning to inform U.S. citizens traveling to or living in Haiti about the current security situation. This replaces the Travel Warning dated June 18, 2012, updating information regarding the level of crime, the presence of cholera, lack of adequate infrastructure – particularly in medical facilities – seasonal severe inclement weather, and limited police protection. The United Nations’ Stabilization Force for Haiti (MINUSTAH) remains in Haiti.

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US State Department Travel Warning for Somalia Thumbnail

US State Department Travel Warning for Somalia

The U.S. Department of State continues to warn U.S. citizens to avoid all travel to Somalia. This replaces the Travel Warning dated June 15, 2012, to update information on security concerns.

There is no U.S. Embassy or other formal U.S. diplomatic presence in Somalia. Consequently, the U.S. government is not in a position to assist or effectively provide services to U.S. citizens in Somalia. In light of this and continuous security threats, the U.S. government recommends that you avoid all travel to Somalia.

The security situation inside Somalia remains unstable and potentially dangerous. Terrorist operatives and armed groups in Somalia have demonstrated their intent to attack the Somali authorities, African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and other non-military targets. Kidnapping, bombings, murder, illegal roadblocks, banditry, and other violent incidents and threats to U.S. citizens and other foreigners can occur in any region. Inter-clan and inter-factional fighting flares up with little or no warning. This has resulted in the deaths of countless Somali nationals and the displacement of more than one million people. Read More »

US State Department Travel Warning for Mauritania Thumbnail

US State Department Travel Warning for Mauritania

The U.S. Department of State warns U.S. citizens of the risks of traveling to Mauritania, and urges extreme caution for those who choose to travel to Mauritania, because of activities by terrorist groups in the region, including al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). AQIM continues to demonstrate its intent and ability to conduct attacks against foreign nationals, including U.S. citizens. This replaces the Travel Warning for Mauritania, issued May 24, 2012, to update information on security incidents and remind travelers of security concerns.

The U.S. Embassy in Nouakchott recommends against all non-essential travel to the border regions of Guidimagha, the Hodh El Charghi and Hodh El Gharbi regions of southeastern Mauritania, the eastern half of the Assaba region (east of Kiffa), the eastern half of the Tagant region (east of Tidjika), the eastern half of the Adrar region (east of Chinguetti), and the Zemmour region of northern Mauritania because of the security risk and the threat of kidnapping to Westerners by terrorist groups. Read More »